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Podiatry Legends Podcast

Are you a Podiatrist looking for business, professional and personal inspiration? Do you sometimes feel your workday is stuck on repeat? The Podiatry Legends Podcast is going to change the way you see, feel and think about the podiatry profession.

This podcast is the place where Podiatrists, from all parts of the world, will share their expert tips, and sometimes unusual stories and careers paths, with the goal of exposing you to all the vast opportunities that currently exist within our profession. 

Sep 20, 2021

Deb Johnstone from Transformational Pathways Australia will explain WHY you need to be showing up for yourself daily and HOW it creates new business opportunities that would have otherwise be missed or overlooked.  

Deb has been on the Podiatry Legends Podcast before, Episode 89: My Mindset Coach. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The importance of making a commitment to ourselves. 
  • Understanding where certain behaviours lead you. 
  • The difference between showing up and showing up fully. 
  • The importance of being aware when you're not showing up.  
  • Language creates your reality, and using the wrong language can lead to missed opportunities. For example;
    • I’m too busy - means you're putting your time elsewhere. 
    • I can’t afford it  - it means you're spending your money on something else. 
  • Ongoing personal development and health are significant, but they are two common areas of life where people often don't show up for themselves.
  • Showing up for yourself is about putting yourself first; it’s not about being selfish. It's about allowing time for you. 

Four essential steps to show up for yourself:

  1. Being Aware - You need to have an awareness of when you’re making excuses. When you make excuses, you’re ripping yourself off.
  2. Clarity - Explore what you want in life and if it isn't clear after five minutes, start writing what you don't want. When you know what you don't want, what you want becomes more clear.  If you’re still unsure, put yourself first, create some time and space, get a journal and start writing.
  3. Take Action - The universe responds to the energy of taking action. Actions create new experiences, and that brings in more opportunities. As soon as you take the first step, it starts to create the opportunities.
  4. Future Pace Yourself - If you were at the end of your life, what would you have regretted not doing, and how will you know you’ve lived a fulfilled life?

"There’s no past, there’s no future there are just never-ending moments of NOW. You can’t change the past but what can you do is take action NOW".

Final Tip

As the business leader, you should be showing up for yourself, not showing up for the team. You need to be your best self first before you can be the best leader for your team. 

If you have any questions about this episode, one-on-one business coaching or any of my group coaching programs, please email me at tf@tysonfranklin.comand we can arrange a quick ZOOM call. 

You can also connect with Deb Johnstone at


The UNCUT video of this episode is available on my Youtube channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach and please SUBSCRIBE and click on the bell icon so you're informed whenever a new video is uploaded. 

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a competitive advantage over other podiatrists in your area, please visit my EVENTS PAGE, and consider joining the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook. 

12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot

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