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Podiatry Legends Podcast

Are you a Podiatrist looking for business, professional and personal inspiration? Do you sometimes feel your workday is stuck on repeat? The Podiatry Legends Podcast is going to change the way you see, feel and think about the podiatry profession.

This podcast is the place where Podiatrists, from all parts of the world, will share their expert tips, and sometimes unusual stories and careers paths, with the goal of exposing you to all the vast opportunities that currently exist within our profession. 

May 21, 2021

In the podiatry profession, we've always had podiatrists that have gone out there and made things happen, the action takers, the doer's, the VITAL FEW, the ones that are shining a light for others to follow; however, we've also had the whingers and complainers, the one referred to as the TRIVIAL MANY. 

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More detailed notes are on my website

Competitive Advantage

If you're looking for a Competitive Advantage over other podiatrists in your area, please visit my EVENTS PAGE, and consider joining my next group coaching program, the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot or join the Podiatry Business Owners Club on Facebook.