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Podiatry Legends Podcast

Are you a Podiatrist looking for business, professional and personal inspiration? Do you sometimes feel your workday is stuck on repeat? The Podiatry Legends Podcast is going to change the way you see, feel and think about the podiatry profession.

This podcast is the place where Podiatrists, from all parts of the world, will share their expert tips, and sometimes unusual stories and careers paths, with the goal of exposing you to all the vast opportunities that currently exist within our profession. 

Oct 8, 2019

Dr Oz is a Podiatric surgeon based in Sydney. After receiving his surgical qualifications, he became a sessional lecturer at WSU and then at CQU, then in late 2017, the idea of having all Podiatrists work collaboratively to strengthen the industry and the individual, led to the formation of the now registered co-operative Pods Equity.

For more detailed show notes, please visit

If you have any questions about this episode you can email Tyson Franklin at or Dr Ozan Amir at

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