Aug 27, 2022
Did you know podiatrists under investigation perform at 45-55% of their capacity? And are you aware that your consent form does not immediately protect you? In part two, Dr Cam Wareham digs deeper into the medico-legal aspects of practice, how it can affect you professionally and steps you should take to avoid...
Aug 18, 2022
Regardless of how competent you are, there is still a real possibility that one day a patient could blame you for their pain and suffering and want to take legal action against you.
Dr Cam Wareham is known to many in Australia and the UK as a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon and Professor in Healthcare for the University...
Sep 17, 2020
David Mullens is a Podiatric Surgeon and Californian health care attorney. On this episode, we cover some simple tactics every podiatrist should be using to protect themselves from insurance companies, and also how to avoid getting taken to the cleaners legally.
All podiatrists, regardless of country, face similar...