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Podiatry Legends Podcast

Are you a Podiatrist looking for business, professional and personal inspiration? Do you sometimes feel your workday is stuck on repeat? The Podiatry Legends Podcast is going to change the way you see, feel and think about the podiatry profession.

This podcast is the place where Podiatrists, from all parts of the world, will share their expert tips, and sometimes unusual stories and careers paths, with the goal of exposing you to all the vast opportunities that currently exist within our profession. 

Jul 30, 2021

My good friend Rem Jackson, CEO of Top Practices and 2019 Inductee into Podiatry Management Hall of Fame, joins me to discuss the power mastermind groups. 

Rem also runs one of the largest Podiatry Marketing 
& Management Summits in the world, which is how we met back in 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee. (This years event...

Jul 21, 2021

Paul Griffin is an outside-the-box thinker and believes the skillset we possess as podiatrists is quite unique and can be utilised in many areas. 

Paul graduated from Curtin University, Western Australia in 1998. He ran two podiatry businesses, each with a different clinical focus and in 2009 decided to move away from...

Jul 14, 2021

Dr David Weiman is a psychologist and president of Weiman Consulting, a leadership consulting firm in Philadelphia. In this episode, we discuss the lessons learnt so far from the pandemic and how we can use them to our benefit in the future. 

More detailed notes can be found at

Jul 9, 2021

If you were standing in line at the local grocery store and a stranger walked up and asked you to pay for their grocery items because they didn’t have any money, would you reach into your pocket and hand them the money they required, and then trust they’ll pay you back next month when they get paid?

If your answer...

Jul 7, 2021

Have you ever considered collaborating with other podiatrists? If you haven't, it's something worth considering, as my guest, Dr Jim McDannald, will explain. We will also explain a collaboration we're doing ourselves. 

Dr Jim McDannald has practised podiatry in both the United States and Canada and gradually shifted...