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Podiatry Legends Podcast

Are you a Podiatrist looking for business, professional and personal inspiration? Do you sometimes feel your workday is stuck on repeat? The Podiatry Legends Podcast is going to change the way you see, feel and think about the podiatry profession.

This podcast is the place where Podiatrists, from all parts of the world, will share their expert tips, and sometimes unusual stories and careers paths, with the goal of exposing you to all the vast opportunities that currently exist within our profession. 

Jun 27, 2023

A few years ago, I was asked to present a keynote speech in Cairns titled Persistence and Resilience, and in this episode, I want to discuss three key points from my talk that I feel are worth highlighting. 

  1. When bad things happen, you can use it as an excuse for failure or a reason to succeed. I always chose the latter. 
  2. Don't lose sight of your WHY, and ask yourself on a regular basis, why do you do what you do? 
  3. What is it that drives you? Usually, it's not money. 


If you want to recession-proof your podiatry business, consider attending the Work Smarter, Not Harder event I am doing with Jonathan Small on the 21st and 22nd of July. For booking details, please visit

If you have any questions about this episode, you can email me at, or if you’d like to learn more about One-On-One Business Coaching, please email me at; otherwise, you can go directly to my online calendar schedule a face-to-face Zoom meeting with me.