Jan 23, 2019
Dr Bela Pandit runs a successful podiatry business in Chicago, Illinois called Pandit Foot & Ankle, and in addition to being a gifted foot and ankle surgeon, she also understands the benefits of diversifying your podiatric skills and expanding the services your podiatry business offers to patients.
"Unhappy Patients Equal Bad Reviews. So Keep Them Happy"
Forget last week and go into work this week and think about what services you can offer your patients. Maximise what you can do for each patient and your bottom line will increase. It will also make going to work each day more rewarding.
If you have any questions about this podcast, please email me at , or you can contact Dr Bela Pandit at Pandit Foot & Ankle.
You can also connect with Pandit Foot & Ankle on Facebook and if you want to see her Instagram page search for @drhighheels
On this podcast, we mentioned Jay Henderson from Real Talent Hiring; He was my guest on It's No Secret With Dr T., How To Hire Superstars.
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If you like this podcast and you're looking for more small business and marketing tips you may also enjoy It's No Secret with Dr T.
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