Jan 7, 2019
When it comes to setting goals and managing a podiatry practice, there is no one better than Dr Peter Wishnie from New Jersey, USA. I met Peter in Nashville in 2013 at a Top Practices event, and his positive thinking towards podiatry had a massive impact on my professional life, which is why he was a must-have-guest on the Podiatry Legends Podcast.
On this episode we discuss the following:
"You've got to delegate the right tasks to the right people to get the best results".
You need to block out time in your week to make things happen in your business and time to talk with key people in your team.
It must be a full day, not just a few hours, and it needs to be planned hour hour-by-hour what you're going to be doing during the day. If you do not plan out your day, it's easy for other people's agendas to fill your time, resulting in an unproductive day.
The team you have now that took your business to $500,000 per annum may not be the same team that grows your business to $1,000,000 and beyond. But for the money to increase, you must also change.
"We don't help foot and ankle problems; we give people their life back".
If you can keep this thought top of mind, it will help keep you focused on what is essential in your daily activities.
If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please email me directly at , or you can contact Dr Peter Wishnie at
If you like this podcast and you're looking for more small business and marketing tips you may also enjoy It's No Secret with Dr T. or Peter's Podcast - Help Doc My Practice Sucks
Peter's Video - 7 Secrets To Getting Your Nights & Weekends Back